Run Wordpress using swag

Install docker and docker-compose I use Arch btw, so: sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose Enable the docker daemon sudo systemctl enable docker and start it sudo systemctl start docker. Add your user to the docker group: sudo usermod -a -G groupname username Create a docker-compose.yaml file, fill it with content as per instructions from LinuxServer.IO version: "2.1" services: mariadb: image: container_name: mariadb environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${mariadbpassword} - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam - MYSQL_DATABASE=WP_database - MYSQL_USER=WP_dbuser - MYSQL_PASSWORD=${WP_dbpassword} volumes: - .
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My first steps on an Arch Linux box

One does not simply start using an Arch Linux (virtual) machine. I know what you are thinking, with NixOS all this copy pasting is over, forever. And I know, I need to start climbing that learning curve, but until then, this is how I roll.
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